Logotipo de Lantegi Batuak. Formato Imagen

Lantegi Batuak is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to promote and achieve social integration and employment for people with disabilities. We go back to 1962 with the first experiences of sheltered work under the auspices of Gorabide (a Biscayan association working on behalf of people with mental disabilities).
A group of parents and friends of people with mental disabilities set up the association to raise public awareness of the social and family aspects of this problem, and opened the first care centres. In 1983 we adopted the commercial title Lantegi Batuak, in order to centralise management and coordinate the network of workshops springing up around Biscay since the end of the 60s. Now we could give our workshops a business structure which would offer people with mental disabilities the opportunity to train and find an occupation and a job. In January 1998 we were formally constituted as a Foundation and adopted a legal personality.
